Thursday, September 2, 2010

Choose Your Style

As the new season rolls into stores, I found myself in a quandary - so many styles, so many looks, too much to choose from. The most important element of style is staying true to yourself, not following every trend because ”they” say so. Think long and hard about what you do in day to day life - invest in pieces that you will wear often. When you open your closet, what color palette is most prominent? Black, neutrals, earth-tones, or a rainbow of colors? Given a choice, which would you rather wear? A pair of jeans and a t-shirt with funky accessories; a sleek top & modern cut pant; a unique jacket with trousers; a flirty dress?

Look at the fashion magazines. If Vogue and Bazaar seem daunting to interpret, start with InStyle Magazine. They break trends down by what to wear for what occasion, and different body types. More Magazine also features realistic style for curvy figures. Tear out looks you like, and looks you do not like. Sort images by similarities. Is there is one outfit, or a key piece you want to go get? Can you imagine where you will wear it, and how you will feel wearing it? Look at the pile of styles you don’t like, no matter what the trend reports say, or how inexpensive it gets markdown to - don’t buy it.

To avoid shopping mistakes, and worse, wearing mistakes, it’s important to identify your style personality, or two, and stick to it. To learn more, check out one of my favorite books, I Love Your Style: How to Define and Refine Your Personal Style by Amanda Brooks. If you can’t sort it out, ask a fashionable friend or seek professional help.